RE: Drawing the Circle of Sentient Privilege (was RE: What's Important to Discuss)

From: gts (
Date: Wed Nov 20 2002 - 13:40:05 MST

Jef Allbright wrote:

>> I see no conflict here. Nature has selected compassion as a valuable
>> trait in humans.

> Gordon, you apparently misunderstood what I wrote....
> The conflict would be between a rule based on strict survival of
> the fittest (no compassion) and a rule based on human values
> (with compassion.)

I don't believe I misunderstood you, Jef. I see no conflict between a
moral rule based on strict survival of the fittest and a moral rule
based on human compassion. "Survival of the fittest" does not imply a
greater chance of survival for those who lack compassion.

In social species like humans, compassion is a fitness trait.

This has relevance to our discussions about level seven, incidentally. I
think it incorrect to state that level seven is morally beyond that
which evolution would require of us. It is natural for humans to
identify with their closest of kin.


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