Re: Drawing the Circle of Sentient Privilege (was RE: What's Important to Discuss)

From: Max M (
Date: Wed Nov 20 2002 - 03:33:50 MST

Brett Paatsch wrote:

> I've been running over this problem, or a superset of it, as a background
> job, for years. That is, whether it is actually possible to put values and
> ethics on a rational basis.

It is indeed a very interresting question. And I don't believe that
there can ever be a completely rational ethics system.

I strongly suspect that the truth lies somewhere in the analysis and
application of game theory.

It is amusing that the strongest religions are those where the ethics
system acually works in the real world.

Very often it turns out that these ethics are based on what is also a
stable system in game theory.

Something like the strategy called 'Tit for tat' (TFT) "Cooperate on the
first move and then copy your opponent's last move for all subsequent
moves." This reminds me strongly of "Do unto others as ..." etc.

regards Max M

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