RE: Fw: fruits of Bill Gates labor worth $50 billion

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Tue Nov 19 2002 - 16:41:03 MST

Eugen wrote:
> I might have possibly been abusive, for which I owe everybody
> an apology
> (I'm terribly cranky lately, and it's not just the weather).

Don't worry, your cranky mode is everyone's favourite (mine anyway) :-)

> I don't think
> that I owe the PC to Bill Gates, nor have I observed any
> innovation coming
> out of Redmond -- feel free to list any innovation. Nobody
> else did so
> far, which I guess is also a kind of an answer.

OK, .NET . From what I can see of it so far (which is little enough, I'm
just about to being probing in earnest), it looks like what is a pretty
spectacular new OS layer.

Not that I'm saying it's never been done before. The jvm & J2EE are just the
more recent examples. The fun thing about .NET is that it's incredibly
powerful for building distributed systems (at least the business world
kind), and it (the .net framework) is going to be everywhere, real soon,
including Mac and Linux boxes near you (if I've understood their strategy

You've seen the multilanguage thing? Language X => IL => binary code for
system of choice? You can do very slick object oriented stuff, afaik, where
you build base objects in one language and derivates in another (and extend
that concept transitively); all polymorphic and beautiful. My jaw is still
on the floor.

Yes, each single concept in .net has appeared elsewhere before. It's the
combination of things, the single package... wow.

Emlyn (flamebait)

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