RE: PLEA: Re: Extrops on socialism - U.S. Perspective -

From: Rafal Smigrodzki (
Date: Tue Nov 19 2002 - 14:53:50 MST

Ron wrote:
> In a message dated 11/19/2002 10:40:07 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes: Since you implied I am a well-intentioned
> but simple-minded follower of Adolf Hitler, I feel I do not need to
> contribute to this discussion.
> Rafal,
> I wish you wouldn't get so upset. Instead take a step back,
> take a deep breath and recognise that you are caught in a trap -- it
> is not a personal failure at all.
> The basic problem of anyone that assumes the socialist
> position either in toto or in part is that your position is
> inherently weak. That isn't my fault.
> Worse yet for those of us that argue against you there is a
> lengthy history of socialisms failures. We are reasonably familiar
> with the failures and with the arguments that the advocates of
> socialism have put forward over the centuries.
> Ron h.

### I am not a socialist. Are you a Nazi?


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