Re: PLEA: Re: Extrops on socialism - U.S. Perspective -

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Nov 17 2002 - 00:19:31 MST

Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

>>(Samantha Atkins <>):
>>But what the heck is "work" when increasingly large groups of people
>>have no skills that are not subsumed by or made irrelevant by
>>accelerating technology? There is no need in advanced countries
>>for everyone to be in full-time work of any conventional kind.
>Can you imagine a world in which everything knowable is known, and
>there's no longer anyone striving for more knowledge of any kind?
>I certainly can't. The "skills" that all humans have in abundance
>include curiosity, imagination, judgment.

I disagree. The vast majority are unfortunately poor in all of these
areas, especially judgment.

> In a high-tech world
>where mundane things like food and shelter and transportation and
>communication are cheap as air, there will still be a need for
>exploration, education, entertainment.
>The economy will be driven
>by those who produce information, those who look for and select

I would expect creative uses of information, the creation of new
knowledge and tools, to be much more scarce than information.

>The amount of "work" required to support a human
>may be as little as offering an opinion now and then; but it is
>not likely to ever be zero, and those who do more of it will have
>more opportunities than those who don't.

The vast majority of people have no opinions that are worth anything to
anyone. OK, I am not in the best of moods today.

- samantha

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