Re: fruits of Bill Gates labor worth $50 billion.

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Nov 17 2002 - 00:04:56 MST

Hubert Mania wrote:

>>The concept of booting itself is idiotic. Why do we have to boot? Because
>>we upgrade hardware, or because the system has crashed or suffered a power
>>outage. Modern Unixes have uptimes of years (then usually the machine
>>dies, or needs to be upgraded), and there is hot-pluggable hardware
>Ever since I started using computers I wanted to have one that I can start
>and switch off like a CD player. Pleaze all you geeks, do something about

The day will come when switching off a computer is considered an act of
violence. :-) But there is no reason not to have well-implemented
sleep modes with a memory image in contiguous diskspace to simply be
swapped in at worse. There are also a few new types of memory being
researched that are static - memory contents is preserved even with
power off. There is no reason that these could not give instant on

- samantha

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