Re: fruits of Bill Gates labor worth $50 billion

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Nov 16 2002 - 04:50:32 MST

Dickey, Michael F wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Eugen Leitl []
>On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 wrote:
>>will never repay him. The question in my mind is this -- how much do
>>you want to steal from him?
>"I do not wish to steal from Bill Gates, I just wish to see him in jail."
>Learning the inns and outs of the bloated inefficient buggy operating system
>that Microsoft produced and popularized and selling that knowledge to others
>is what allowed me, and probably 10's of thousands of other people, to earn
>enough money to buy a house on my own when I was 22 with no college degree.
>New technologies always create new jobs.

So Mr Gates allowed you to need to perform unnatural and
counterproductive acts to earn your daily bread. Gee thanks! PBUBG!
 <bows toward Redmond>

- samantha

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