Re: PLEA: Re: Extrops on socialism - U.S. Perspective -

Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 17:47:17 MST

In a message dated 11/15/2002 3:12:26 PM Central Standard Time, writes: Wow, that is the same plan that Hitler had. Ron
### Explain?

Sure, just list your program and go back and look at Hitler's program. Never
forget that before Hitler there was an inept socialist government. That
government was so inept that the people were looking for some one that could
get things done. Hitler came in and he got so very much accomplished.
       But the story doesn't end there. Not only did Hitler bring Germany to
ruin but a fellow named Frederich von Hayek came along and showed:
1. That any socialist government is doomed to eventual failure until it gets
itself a dictator.
2. But a dictator is doomed to repeat the failures of Hitler, etal.

       A guy like yourself comes along, you mean well, and you attempt to
explain your vision of socialism in terms that do not include the attrocities
of the Hitlers. The problem is that you are talking into a 200 year history
that thanks to von Hayek, etal is perfectly understandable to those of us
that oppose you.
       My suggestion is that instead of trying to argue with the Capitalists
on this list you go look at von Hayek, Mises, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, etc.
 There are others which prompts me to throw this out -- can any of you
suggest anything that is more accessable for Rafal?
Ron h.

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