Re: PLEA: Re: Extrops on socialism - U.S. Perspective -

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 11:29:24 MST

Lee Corbin wrote:

>Samantha writes
>>But what the heck is "work" when increasingly large groups of people
>>have no skills that are not subsumed by or made irrelevant by
>>accelerating technology? There is no need in advanced countries for
>>everyone to be in full-time work of any conventional kind.
>>Personally, I believe a great deal of good could come from a
>>society with such real material abundance that no one
>>"works" except on that which they are truly interested in.
>How can the present situation in the developed countries,
>holding many millions of persons each, be altered so that
>no one has to work except as it interests them?

It cannot without full molecular nanotech, imho. I was speaking of
developed countries primarily.

>Do you believe that a sufficiently strong government could
>make an announcement of some kind? Or do you believe that
>good will on the part of a lot of corporations or rich
>people could pull it off?
Of course I don't think it will happen by government fiat. It is a good
question how we will get there even with full MNT. But that we don't
yet know how to get there doesn't mean that it is not a worthy goal IF
we can find a workable way nor does it mean it would not be better.

>Perhaps the government could announce a ten-year plan at
>the end of which no one has to work who doesn't want to?
Or perhaps it simply becomes obvious that there is no non make-work for
the vast majority of people.

- samantha

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