Re: Replies to Ron h and John Clark regarding the nature of socialism, capita...

Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 06:17:54 MST

In a message dated 11/15/2002 3:16:09 AM Central Standard Time, writes: wrote: I said that
socialists, and most other leftists, are stupid,

       I don't believe I said that, it isn't my typical label for socialists.
 Now, had you said thugs and con men it would have sounded like me. I am on
record as saying I think socialists are devilishly clever.
       Then you said, "Even thouh there has never been a libertarian society
anywhere, they claim it to be better than socialism. Which has at least been
able to produce stable societies. Like here in Scandinavia ie."
       Max by referring to stable socialist societies I assume you are also
referring to Hitler's Germany, the Soviet Union, China and the rest of those
murderous excuses for a government. They are part of the socialist crowd as
you well know.
       But, you refer to stable socialist societies like you have in
Scandinavia. I don't want to insult your country. I suppose you are
reasonably happy there. You have referred to extremely high levels of
taxation which doesn't sound idealic to me. But none of that gets to the
real problem. You are referring to countries that are small enough and far
enough away that most of us haven't a clue what you are doing over there.
       As to your use of the term libertarian. I believe I am a capitalist
and yes that has been applied.
Ron h.

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