Wired on the efficacy of prayer

From: Hal Finney (hal@finney.org)
Date: Thu Nov 14 2002 - 17:11:57 MST

http://wired.com/wired/archive/10.12/prayer.html is about experiments by
Elizabeth Targ, daughter of well known parapsychologist Russell Targ,
which seemed to show that prayer could induce healing. The first page
may be annoying to those of us with a skeptical bent, but if you read on
the article goes in an entirely different direction, with some astonishing
revelations as it develops.

In the end it is a sad, moving and revealing story of the collision
between science and the search for a justification of faith. It appears
that Ms. Targ's results have been widely misinterpreted, and this article
will be an important rebuttal for any future cases where her results
are presented at face value.


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