Re: Replies to Ron h and John Clark regarding the nature of socialism, capita...

Date: Thu Nov 14 2002 - 15:18:10 MST

In a message dated 11/14/2002 4:10:23 PM Central Standard Time, writes: I hereby declare Mr Sheppard a troll, an entropist,
and a luddite in the general sense. Responding to him is a waste of breath.


       But Mike, in the main Mr. Sheppard is out to feather his own nest even
at the cost of a murerous socialist regime.
       Mike, I invite you to look at the works of Mr. John Taylor Gatto. He
discusses mainly the schools but if you open your thinking cap out wide you
will find he is discussing what is going on in the society in general, where
it is headed and how to combat those trends. Believe it or not it all comes
back to educating our children -- but not in the sense Mr. Sheppard would
have us educate them.
Ron h.

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