Re: segway race

From: Joseph Schwarz (
Date: Thu Nov 14 2002 - 04:40:25 MST

Such an inflatable suit already exists.

IXS Stunt, the motorcycle jacket with airbag:

> Those two-wheeled segway things that Dean Kaman
> invented would be a great fun to race, eh? That
> would be a way cool game! First thing we need to do
> is try to hop it up, perhaps work out an internal
> combustion engine to replace that wimpy electric
> motor. That would present an entirely new and
> exciting engineering challenge: how to get some
> speed outta those things, and second, how to make
> body armor that would make the inevitable crashes
> more survivable. Perhaps an inflatable suit, like
> a wearable air bag. If your feet leave the platform
> you would instantly puff up like the Michelin tire
> guy or Faht Bahstid from Austin Powers. Heck that
> would be worth the price of a ticket just to watch
> those things popping off. spike


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