RE: Libertarianism and antibiotics

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Tue Nov 12 2002 - 17:01:37 MST

Forget market failures, this is interesting and worrying on its own.

This leads me to ask a related question, about colds (ie: unidentified
respiratory tract greeblies), and maybe more generally about infectious
airborne diseases, which is this... how can I stop getting the damned
things? This last 6 months I've more or less constantly been hopping from
one "cold" to another, catching everything that goes around. Normally this
would be a bit of a pest, but pseudoephedrine+codeine saves the day.
However, I'm a singer, and my singing has been devastated by this barrage of

I seem to catch these things more than most people, and I really can't
afford to. Does anyone have any good ideas about how not to catch the latest
sniffles? A really good program for avoiding them would become doubly useful
if they start to actually become life threatening, as it looks like they
very well could in the near future.



-----Original Message-----
From: Damien Sullivan []
Sent: Wednesday, 13 November 2002 7:35 AM
Subject: Libertarianism and antibiotics

Protection of the physical environment is somewhat conceivable within
libertarian ideas -- torts and all that. Protection of species seems rather
harder to arrange. But probably a lot of people on this list will think
"snail darters, who needs them? If farmers need honeybees they can buy

But now vancomycin bacteria are cropping up -- vancomycin being the
of last resort. Your use of antimicrobial soap or bad use of medical
antibiotics increases my risk of dying. Sounds like a real market failure
me. Anders, you might think about staying in Sweden -- at least they seem
be taking the problem of hostile replicators seriously. Our new government
here would probably rather subsidize use of antibiotics by agribusiness than
ban and regulate their (mis)use.

-xx- Damien X-)

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