Re: extropians-digest V7 #307

Date: Sun Nov 10 2002 - 11:13:39 MST

In a message dated 11/10/2002 11:47:52 AM Central Standard Time, writes: Like the way the Whiskey Rebellion was
crushed? Or the American Civil War? Or the way the American colonies were
able to break away -- with the help of foreign (French) support, a 3000 mile
ocean, and possibly a lack of total dedication on the part of the British?
Or the way armed Indians weren't able to stave off the US?

       Sure, having the force to resist the government hasn't always worked
but depending on the good will of the other fellow not to impose force upon
you is a real loser.
       Besides I find your examples amazing:
1. The Whiskey Rebellion was crushed through the use of superior force. But
then perhaps it should have been as it was resisting paying the govemment the
tax money the government required to carry out it legal duties -- maintain
the courts and the army.
2. The Civil War where armed force was used to keep Americans in bondage and
superior force was used to free them.
3. French Force was used by Americans, when their own was insufficient, to
escape the bondage of a foreign government.
4. Where the Indians often had insufficient force to resist the onslought of
the more powerful Europeans. If you really feel the pain you seem to and you
truly believe the European conduct was inexcusable I can put you in touch
with my band of Cherokee. I am sure that Chief Hicks and the tribal elders
will be happy to take custody of your property until an all Indian congress
makes a final disposition of it. But you weren't serious were you? <G>
Ron h.

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