Re: duck me!

From: gts (
Date: Sun Nov 10 2002 - 09:00:44 MST

--- John K Clark <> wrote:

> If the MWI is correct then John Clark saw heads and
> tails, I am the one who remembers seeing heads.
> If I had remembered seeing tails I'd be a different
> person but I'd still be John Clark.

To clarify, I think you mean that both you and the
alternate continuation of you in the alternate
universe would have the nominal identity "John Clark,"
but that you would have different non-nominal

The two of you would continue diverging and evolving
into separate personalities. It would soon become
obvious (from a God's eye view of the multiverse) that
the two "John Clarks" are not the same non-nominal
identity even if they do share a common nominal
identity and some common memories.

The same would be true if your alternate continuation
lived here with you in this universe under a non-MWI
interpretation of QM. The two scenarios are equivalent
with respect to identity.


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