Re: extropians-digest V7 #307

Date: Sat Nov 09 2002 - 13:15:41 MST

In a message dated 11/9/2002 1:42:37 PM Central Standard Time, writes: Well, any sort of threats which
deconstruct the ability of a human being to live effectively or at all will
generate power, as far as I can see. Stalin had tremendous power inside his
own tyranny because everyone knew that they had the threat of death hanging
over their heads. But what other ways are there to maintain power?

       For one real world example you might look at the early American
experience. The citizenry were armed and so jealous of their perogatives
that it was only with difficulty that the central government was able to
conduct a national census.
       Additionally you might look at Hernando de Soto's The Mystery of
Capital for other detailed examples of how the armed citizenry enforced their
will against the desires of the politicians in the central government.
Ron h.

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