RE: duck me!

From: gts (
Date: Tue Nov 05 2002 - 13:02:47 MST

Rafal Smigrodzki wrote:

> The answer is quite simple - if you think the back up is not
> you (maybe just before dying you exclaim something to this effect),
> then of course the backup is not you.

Isn't my change of person implicit in my publicized change of position
on the Iraq issue?

To say publicly that I changed my position on the question of attacking
Iraq is to say, in effect, that:

"In the past I was a person who believed one way about attacking Iraq
but in the present I am a person who believes the other way about
attacking Iraq. I am therefore a different person now than I was in the
past, at least in this respect."

> If, however, you die while saying "Activate my backup", the backup is
> If there is no data on your last word, we have to rely on your
previous decisions

Surely you are not going to have Bush attack (or not attack) Iraq merely
because while dying I forgot to mention whether or not to activate my
backup! I was spiraling down to my death in a small plane like the late
Senator Paul Wellstone. I had other things on my mind during those last
terrifying moments.

As I see it, the only resolution to this kind of paradox is to reject
the equivalency of identities in Level 5. Our restored backups must be
considered different from us, *unless* we make backups at every unit of
planck time (or biological chronon as Eugene would say), such that
backup restoration would be equivalent to instantaneous teleportation.


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