Re: duck me!

From: gts (
Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 12:01:48 MST

Lee Corbin wrote:

> For sure, as I say, few people agree with Rafal and me when
> one considers level 7. But much more basic are earlier levels
> like
> 1. Will travel by space warp, but won't permit disassembly of atoms.

Dissasembly of atoms is fine by me provided they are reassembled in the
exact original states.

> 2. Will permit teleportation, but only if the same atoms are used.

I wish you would read all my messages, especially since I very often compare
my views to yours. As I've argued several times, I am willing to consider
instantaneous destructive teleportation as feasible. It would not be
necessary (nor would it likely be feasible) for the same atoms to be used.

Presuming that my materialistic view of consciousness is correct, I'm
inclined to believe instantaneous destructive teleportation is possible if
it takes place in less than one unit of planck time. Eugene uses one
biological chronon (about 10 ms) as the maximum time interval but otherwise
we seem to have the same ideas about this subject. I don't know how a
biological chronon is calculated. I like one unit of planck time (10-43 s)
because I could be assured then that my destination copy would be identical
to me with respect to every quantum state.

I must add, however, that I am not optimistic about the technical
feasibility of completing a teleportation in less than a unit of planck
time. Barring some unforseeable discovery in physics, such an accomplishment
would I think require a very powerful implementation of phase entanglement
at the macroscopic level, something which seems rather unlikely given that
large macroscopic objects tend to decohere. In fact I'm not sure such a
thing is possible even if we could overcome the decoherence problem.

> And would you agree to teleportation if different atoms at the
> receiving station are used to reconstruct you?

Yes, as above. One atom of a given element is no different from any other
atom of the same element, assuming that other atom is duplicated in the same
quantum state.


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