Re: duck me!

From: gts (
Date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 09:21:53 MST

Rafal Smigrodzki wrote:

> gts wrote:
> >
> > I don't know what you mean here by "frame of reference."
> ### Some people denied the possibility of the Earth being a sphere. They
> said it's impossible, because people living on the other side would simply
> fall off.

That would be a relevant argument if I were being absolutist about some
empirical hypothesis. But I am not being absolutist about any empirical
hypothesis. I am being a rationalist.

My views here about the primacy of the self/other distinction in relation to
logic and reason are very similar to those that most famous of rationalists,
Renee Descartes ("I think, therefore I am.")

> ### Did you say "self that shares something with the other"?
> Finally, you agree that the concept of self is a construct allowing
> varying degrees of overlap with non-self.

No, that is not what I agreed. A self that shares a sandwich with another
self is no different in principle from one who shares a portion of grey
matter with another self, provided that those selves are independently aware
of themselves.

> > To put it another way, if your "I" and the other "I" are truly
> > overlapping then you are one and there is no other.
> ### No wiggling out, please.

I wasn't wiggling out. I was clarifying in order to prevent exactly the sort
of misinterpretation of my words that appears above.

But I appreciate that you feel you've accomplished what you set out to prove


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