Re: Socialism, again

Date: Wed Oct 30 2002 - 07:16:13 MST

In a message dated 10/30/2002 3:18:07 AM Central Standard Time, writes: And, about the constant "Germany, Russia,
Italy" that is repeated in every post, I'm not informed enough for the first
two, but Mussolini was soon expelled from the socialist party because of his
pro-war, pro-absolutist views. He then proceeded to start his own Fascist
party, with the results that we know.

       If a worker works for a and invests his funds into that
company he is now a capitalist. The key thing is that he is now risking his
capital not appropriating someone elses.
       I do feel apologetic about druming on the Germany, Russia, Italy
repetition but I have to make a point. For 200 years the socialists have
consistantly failed miserably, often at horrendous human cost, and instead of
learning from the lesson they learned to take the same old smelly bleep,
rewrap it in sweeter smelling paper and put it back on the market. BTW, I
owe a friend for that expression. Believe me Germany, Russia, and Italy were
sold using the same tactics we have see used here.
       As to Mussolini, was working in politics, what 80 or 90 years ago.
The documentation I have seen on him was that he was a loyal member of the
Italian communist party during the First World War period. When the Italian
veterans returned from the war Mussolini saw them as a valuable constituency
that could be exploited for political power. He and the Italian Communist
split over that tactical issue. Mussolini left and formed a party to exploit
the resource he had identified.
       If the Italian Communist party kicked him out it was after he was
already gone. As to whatever excuse they used for doing so -- they could say
anything they wanted as he was no longer present.
Ron h.

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