Re: duck me!

From: Jef Allbright (
Date: Mon Oct 28 2002 - 09:33:38 MST

Frank Prengel wrote:
> So s.o. should put together a "Copy Paradox FAQ" which should be a
> must-read for everyone allowed to join a discussion like this ... ;-)

Net-based technology enabling us to collect, update and share group
knowledge is now becoming much more practical, and I keep thinking that a
group like Extropians would be among the first to take advantage of it.
However, I've been also been thinking for a long time that this would become
indispensible to competitive business survival and have yet to see it
effectively applied. I see myself consistently underestimating cultural

> It is my feeling that we should first get rid of the notion of
> consciousness as a *thing*, instead adopting the notion of
> consciousness as a *process*. Then the question of identity looks
> quite different ...

Yes, and when you "widen back" and look at what is carrying out the process,
you see that many of the supposed paradoxes fit neatly in the wider view.

- Jef

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