Re: FC: Privacy villain of the week: DARPA's gait surveillance tech (fwd)

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Mon Oct 28 2002 - 00:29:01 MST

On Sun, 27 Oct 2002, spike66 wrote:

> Eugen Leitl wrote:
> > Advent of another technology wide deployment of which we must delay as
> > long as possible...
> Gene, the villain isn't the technology. Its the
> government with the power to keep it out of your

Reliable and blanket biometrics takes large resources to develop and
deply. It's being paid from your taxes. Feds are creating the demand,
being the singlest large customer by far. Do you think that's a good use
of your taxes? Do you think we need that particular market?

> hands. Dont use your energy to delay the tech,
> use your energy to elect officials that understand
> the concept of limited government power. spike

I don't trust government to be reformable. I trust it to be somewhat
controllable through the political process. The juggernaut tries to remove
the safeguards (you've been reading the news, right?) or route around them
in its effort to start rolling downhill, crushing everything in its path.
Global realtime surveillance is a much too powerful tool to be given.

Even if we and the feds were given the same information, they would do oh
so much more with it, and most of it not to your liking. I honestly do not
see how you can't see something so obvious.

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