Re: Our narrow focus

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sun Oct 27 2002 - 10:44:51 MST

On Sat, 26 Oct 2002, Robert J. Bradbury (Oh lord, me again!) wrote:

> Yes, it would be nice to know precisely *what* the "gas" was.

Current guesses are that it was BZ (QNB): Quinuclidinebenzillate.
But Google and Vivisimo only get one hit on that name. Looks like
its really:
  3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate (6581-06-2)

Interestingly, this gas was supposed to have been used by the Serbs
in Bosnia. According to one report the U.S. produced over 100,000
pounds of BZ for use in Vietnam.

Of course one would have to wonder why the Russian's who are
supposed to be in the process of destroying their chemical
weapons would happen to have enough BZ on hand to flood an entire
building with it...


Refs: BZ History:

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