Re: Socialism, again

Date: Sat Oct 26 2002 - 09:11:48 MDT

In a message dated 10/26/2002 9:33:39 AM Central Standard Time, writes: Your definition is broken. Go away, and don't
come back until you've done some reading.

       I am truly sorry if I have hurt your feelings. But, what am I to read,
the infinity of beautiful words describing what socialism should be or the
monstrous 200 year record of what it always turn out to be? I have read the
record and it is enough to gag a cat.
       It is truly a monstrous theology. It is a system that justifies you
sacrificing my life to attain your goals -- a position of dictatorship &
terror while you parade as a blessing to humanity.
       Surely as educated men and women in the 21st century we can aspire to
something more than that.
Ron h.

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