Re: Seven Levels of Identity (was duck me!)

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Thu Oct 24 2002 - 10:02:17 MDT

Lee Corbin wrote:

>The following---that I posted a year or two ago on Cryonet (and I
>think on Extropians---is pertinent to the identity question, and
>I know several of the present debaters have not seen it:
>In over thirty years of lively disputes about identity, I have found
>that people fall, along one particular scale, into seven categories:
>y own belief is that nonetheless, one is lead inexorably
>through countless thought experiments to level seven, and to
>the realization that the other concepts of personal identity
>are outmoded legacies of evolution which cannot sustain
>careful scrutiny.
>Lee Corbin
An interesting collection, but not complete. I, e.g., find copying to
be quite accpetable, even desireable, but desire that all of the copies
be allowed to be conscious. In fact, one of the desireable aspects
would be the creation of a synthetic upload which merged the experiences
of the various bodies (as well as having it's own experiences). Of
course, over time I would expect this synthetic version to become the
primary version, and as technology expands I would expect that it would
initial partial downloads immediately after each upload/backup. Sort of
like a very restricted form of telepathy, with delay loops. (I doubt
that it would ever be practical to eliminate those delay loops.)

-- Charles Hixson
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The best is yet to be.

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