Re: Linux vs Windows, Round CXLCMVIIIII

From: Chuck Kuecker (
Date: Mon Oct 21 2002 - 06:16:30 MDT

I have been running Mandrake 7 for over a year as my mail and web server.
Not one lockup or crash (once I fixed a small problem with galloping log

I also have Win2000, which is NT made pretty. It needs a reboot about once
a week, due to apps hanging it up. Also, for those imprudent enough to run
MS servers and mail products, it has a slew of security holes, and it seems
like new ones are found weekly.

I've had several virus attacks on MS products that got past the virus
scanner. Not one on Linux.

Note that I don't do everyday work on the Linux box - all my business and
engineering apps unfortunately are Windows based, with no Linux equivalent.
So, I have a biased view :)

Chuck Kuecker

At 20:41 10/20/2002 +0100, you wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Phil Osborn" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 12:14 AM
>Subject: Re: Tech centralisation
> Look I am not a programmer, and I am not a sysadmin. I have no ax to grind,
>but I only want a simple, dependable and easily manipulable platform from
>which to conduct research. Linux has only one advantage compared to NT, as
>far as I can tell from my evaluations: it has more free source code for
>certain types of interesting applications, and the internals are better
>documented in many respects.
>As far as stability is concened? Puh-leeze. All those halfbaked little open
>source apps crashing all over the place on Mandrake? NT has it as far as
>stability is concerned. Plus, there are severe hardware adaptablity problems
>all over the place with Mandrake....
>And as far as ease of configuration and adaptability to hardware goes, NT
>easily beats Mandrake. Of course WinME, Win98 etc., are even more adaptable
>to given hardware, but are not too stable....
> > To me, it is utterly bizarre to see a reasonably fast
> > Pentium with almost a Gig of RAM slow to a c r a w l,
> > just because it's printing to a PostScript printer,
> > or, worse yet, formatting a floppy. On my Amiga 1000,
> > running at 7.14Mhz (clock - the processor ran at half
> > that), with 1 Meg of RAM, in 1986, I ran over 30
> > programs simultaneously once just as a test... THAT
> > finally bogged the system down.
>My evaluation shows that Mandrake eats more RAM than NT.
>However, I can sympathize with the anti-MS feelings, and that is why I still
>have Mandrake running---by not using Linux, we give away leverage, and give
>away money.

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