Re: If it moves, we can track it!

From: spike66 (
Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 21:06:48 MDT

>>spike wrote:
>> Drugs are not needed. ... Reach out
>> and grab the life you want. spike
> Samantha Atkins wrote:

> Are you claiming our current economic system and ideas are quite
> sufficient for a world of actual abundance rather than the world of
> scarcity they were designed for?

That is exactly what I am claiming. Not just sufficient,
but necessary.

> If so then please show your argument.

Our current economic system was not so much designed
as it evolved. As abundance increases, as a direct
result of humans creating wealth as a byproduct of
our labor and brains, our economic system evolves to
be ever better adapted to the world in which it
exists. Attempts at designing economic systems
have led to such horrific abominations as communism
and totalitarianism. May economic systems be left
to evolve, hands off.

> Will you stop the tongue-in-cheek cuteness and give your best thinking
> please? - samantha

This is my best thinking please.

Part of having it made is knowing when you have it made.
We have it made. We will have even more in the future
as wealth is created in ever more efficient ways. No
drugs needed.

Unfettered competition has winners and losers, but in
the long run everyone wins. Attempts at deterring
economic competition in a misguided attempt to make
everyone a winner ends up making everyone a loser.

A perfect example of what I am talking about is just
down the street from where you live. Intel in
Sunnyvale and Advanced Micro Devices next to it
in Santa Clara. Those two guys have been hoping to
strangle each other for years. The winner: us!
We win, all of us. We get processors that are
better, faster, cheaper (to borrow a phrase.)

What part of your question did I not answer? spike

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