Re: Calling All Buddhists

Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 19:23:14 MDT

> f you consider yourself to be a Transhumanist Buddhist, please take the
> > time to answer the following questions to help me in my research:
> >
> > 1. What was your original spiritual upbringing?

As a child went to a Covenent sundy school, then on to a Unitarian Church,
very humanist congragation.

> > 2. Assuming your background was not already Buddhist, how did you come to
> > discover and accept Buddhism?

I don't know exactly, I knew a few people who were into Buddhism, Read
Pirsig's ZAMM. I moved to Seattle, and tried Shamballa Training, attending
the Sakya Monestary services.

> > 3. How and why is Buddhism so compatible with your Transhumanist
> worldview?
> The utter rejection of superstition and irrational belief if Buddhism.
> Accept nothing as dogma...try these experiments with your mind, you will
> see.

I like the belief that human nature can be improved by excercises.

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