If it moves, we can track it!

From: BillK (bill@wkidston.freeserve.co.uk)
Date: Tue Oct 15 2002 - 13:42:51 MDT

Last Sunday's Observer newspaper (UK) had an article about a new system
the UK Government has developed to use cellphone masts as radar masts
to track any moving object within range. Google has other references
that seem to validate the claim.
Initial uses envisaged seem to be for perimeter defence, e.g. around
nuclear power stations, where any movement could immediately be

But civil liberties people are worried that the system could be used to
track suspects movements by following them via each cellphone mast they
pass. In UK that means continual surveillance. If you add in that within
two years every cellphone will have a unique tracking identifier, then
you have a pretty complete system.

And they are now researching using the radar to watch movements INSIDE
nearby buildings.
We'll have to use tin foil as wallpaper to keep them out.





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