Re: [wta-talk] Re: transhumanism view on relationship

From: Sabine Atkins (
Date: Tue Oct 15 2002 - 10:34:22 MDT

Eugen Leitl wrote:
> [followup moved to extropians@]
> On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Sabine Atkins wrote:
>>I think sites like are just not the right places for transhumanists
>>and Extropians to look for a date.
> I would tend to disagree. The pool size of mainstream match-making sites
> is much larger, self-selected (everybody is looking, and has minimal
> technology interest by being online) and allows you a high-throughput
> semiautomatic screening by spatial and compatibility profiles. The
> communication is semianonymous and low-friction, at times realtime and
> multimedia. It definitely beats the meatspace meat market by orders of
> magnitude as far as efficiency is concerned.
> I don't think the >H/Extrope community and the online fora offer any
> palpable advantages over the other cybertribes from a 'finding a partner'
> angle.

The reason why I think that a mailing list has an advantage over is
that you usually see the person you might be interested in posting other
messages responding to other people not just you. I saw my husband responding to
people he didn't want to date. Therefore I saw much more of his character than
if I would just have chatted with him.

I agree with what you say above about the mainstream match-making sites, of
course. But I also think that it's much easier to lie there than on a mailing list.

Sabine Atkins,

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