Re: duck me!

From: John K Clark (
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 23:00:22 MDT

"Lee Corbin" <> Wrote:

> But you say that a few minutes ago is too long for your "taste",
> and you refer to what you could "tolerate". I think that *all*
> that needs adjusting is your attitude.

Well sure, if I felt differently then, well, I'd feel differently and the
universe would continue on without a glitch. As I said before there is no
wrong answer to your thought experiment, It's a matter of taste.

> Actually, one can do that today! Take the sleeping pill
> midazolam at 11:00 PM and go to sleep at 12:00. You won't
> remember anything between 11:30 and 12:00.

Remind me not to take any midazolam, but the thoughts I lost are only part
of the problem, the other part is the unpleasant thought that will not be
lost, at least for a short time; I don't like the idea of having a last
thought, of knowing that there will no continuation of my present thought
process. I can no more give you a logical reason for my preference than I
could tell you why life is better than death.
And you didn't answer my question, would you be comfortable if the copy was
made a few months ago or a few years ago? I'd be most comfortable if it was
a few milliseconds ago, then I'd have no problem with getting vaporized.

         John K Clark

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