Re: Coming Trends: Fading Extropy? (extropians-digest V7 #279)

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 19:11:41 MDT wrote:
> In a message dated 10/14/2002 4:28:39 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes: I believe when push comes to shove, that those that
> believe strictly in their Quran or Bible or Torah for that matter and cannot
> think for themselves--however many that may be, would become violent. History
> proves it.
> You didn't mention those that believe in using the Quran, Bible or Torah to
> promote their understanding of man's relationship to God and who can think
> for themselves. Do you think they also will become violent and foam at the
> mouth?

Nor were those who read Marx or Mao and who do think- long
enough to decide this is true anyway - and decide to kill all
who get in the way of their idea of utopia. Do we think all
those absolutely certain religion is an unfortunate infection
that rots the brain and is dangerous to all "right-thinking"
folk will not become violent in service of their beliefs or
excuse any atrocities that may come on the basis of their low
opinion of various belivers?

I don't think there is much excuse for spreading "All Muslims
are EVIL" memes around here.

- samantha

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