RE: Atheists United - Politics uber alles?

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 15:38:12 MDT

[big snip]

> Maybe, but you glom too many things together here. Cheapening the value of
> life may be a good tactic for sending the young off to war and I won't argue
> that religion sometimes takes this tack, but war clearly benefits medical
> research in many cases - i.e. Hey, these guys keep dying when we saw their
> wounded legs off, now what on earth might be causing that? Or - if someone
> drops biological weapons on our guys (and gals) how can we protect them from
> harm?
> Just my 2 cents
> Russell Evermore

Possible post-of-the month. Anders recent pointer had perhaps more
information density and Damien's recent post (perhaps even several
of them) more literary quality. But Russell may have just hit the
right note with informed opinion, content and references to back it up.

All IMO.

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