RE: Advice from a Caterpillar

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sun Oct 13 2002 - 20:20:23 MDT

--- Lee Corbin <> wrote:
> Serafino writes
> > > There are those
> > > Who take refuge in the idea
> > > Of a soul,
> > > But they can't define it
> > > In any way
> > > That's meaningful.
> >
> > No-no, you're wrong,
> > Because they gave
> > A beautiful definition.
> > The soul is exactly
> > That which makes
> > Xoxing impossible.
> Yes! Just so! Each soul comes from God with its
> own serial number, and that indelible creation of
> the Almighty cannot be duplicated or imitated!
> So stuff that talk of atoms and molecules, bits
> and bytes. We're talking the real thing here,
> my man, real imperishable immortal souls, at One
> with the Divine and Sublime.

Got into this in a cloning, stem cell, and abortion discussion with my
Catholic parents. Mum is also in the medical field, so she's not
biologically ignorant either. She was under the assumption that you'd
be sharing a 'soul' with your clone, and was of the opinion that a
fetus gets its soul at the moment of conception, but I asked if twins
share a single soul. She said no, she didn't think so. I then asked if
a fetus split in two immediately after conception to produce twins, or
if it split x many cell divisions down the road from conception. She
said it happens later, not until some number of cell divisions occur.

So I concluded that twins (and therefore the rest of us) couldn't get
their souls till at least x many cell divisions after conception. She
couldn't dispute this conclusion at all. I then said that this also
means that if stem cells are harvested prior to this x many cell
division point, then there would be no danger of souls getting in the
way of this operation. She agreed. I then said that if a fetus was
aborted prior to this x many cell divisions, then such an abortion
would not be murder.

This, I think, is the point at which pro-lifers, pro-choicers,
pro-cloners, and pro-stem cell researchers can share common ground.

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