RE: Longevity [was: Energy in WTC Tower Collapes]

From: Reason (
Date: Sun Oct 13 2002 - 18:43:08 MDT

--> Robert J. Bradbury

> On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 wrote:
> > I cant be the only Extropian that has a few survival
> aids. What kind
> > of provisions have others made ? Has anyone gone for the full Lead lined
> > concrete bunker full of a years supplies ? or just a few odds n
> sods like
> > myself ?
> Alex, you aren't alone. One of the primary reasons I moved from San
> Francisco to Seattle was that I viewed it as less earthquake prone.

You moved from somewhere with upcoming major earthquakes to somewhere with
upcoming major earthquakes *and* a volcano? Hmm.


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