RE: duck me!

From: gts (
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 11:34:36 MDT

John K Clark wrote:

> "Robert J. Bradbury" <>
> >I can go on vacation to Pakistan or go on vacation to
> >Costa Rica (two very different places) but
> >I would argue that I *still* come back "Robert Bradbury".
> Your friends would think of both of you as Robert Bradbury
> and both of youwould quite correctly think of yourself as Robert
> Bradbury, but neither of you would think there is only one person
> by that name.

Right, and that is I think the key. There is no real emulation. There
only two very similar people with the same name, not unlike identical
twins with the same name.

Robert's experiential vampirism idea is interesting but in that case I
think we are discussing something entirely different. Two similar people
can engage in some kind of permanent Vulcan mind-meld-at-a-distance,
sharing all the same experiences and thoughts, but the result would be a
strange animal with multiple personalities... nothing like the original
person who sought to emulate himself.


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