Memetic Challenge: invent a fashion and make it work...

From: Phil Osborn (
Date: Thu Oct 10 2002 - 19:30:01 MDT

The other day, one of our temps was punching in at the
time clock where I work. The time clock is situated
on this very low little cabinet, so that most of us
really have to struggle to insert the card precisely.
This lady simply crouched down, which had the perhaps
unforseen consequence of revealing quite a bit more of
her derrier than I suspect she anticipated, a hazard
of the new, "how-low-can-you-go" fashion in pants.

Later, at the Gypsy Den, I observed a couple more
females wearing these new one-legged pants - you know,
the ones that have one big pant leg that wraps around
both legs, right? (It's hard to explain, but then
that's fashion...) Anyway, they obviously were
afflicted with the same potential problem, doubly so
in that the one-legged pants are all open between the
thighs of course and these were just barely long enuf
at the bottom end as well.

I suddenly had this vision of a solution, however.
Suddenly I saw these two young women with TAILs!
Imagine now a nice bushy dark tail sprouting up and
concealing inadvertent topological inadequacies. Or,
if you're blond for the day, then there's further
chances for the taile shoppes to cash in on satisfying
a clear fashion need. I mean, if bustles could make
it, then surely a cute little tail is a shoe in. So
to speak.

I then did a test survey involving a random sample of
available ladies, and both of them thought it was a
GREAT fashion idea.

So, how to get the message to the right fashion gurus?
Well, the obvious answer is a website - tailersRUs?

I was thinking that rather than try to promote this as
a new fashion, it might work better to pretend that it
was already a HUGE HIT! Like, a gangbanger tail site,
where the 69th St. gangbanger fems dis the 67th St.
bitches about their ugly-a..ed, wrong color tails,
with pictures doctored to show tails in place, wrapped
invitingly around crossed, fishnetted thighs as the
fems lean against the corner lamppost, smokes dangling
from pendulous sneering lips. Or, a news site
covering a fur protest in Times Square - only
synthetic tails allowed! With the other side pushing
only "natural" tails.

Anyway, it sounds to me like a great project for
anyone who wants to test memetic marketing theories.
Or cash in on tail fur options. And certainly a huge
improvement over seeing those big blank areas of
unsightly puffy skin, surely the ugliest single patch
of a woman's anatomy.

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