Re: Why doesn't Hussein buy TV time?

From: J Corbally (
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 11:58:24 MDT

>Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 10:17:30 -0900
>From: "John Grigg" <>
>Subject: Re: Why doesn't Hussein buy TV time?
>Dossy wrote:
>Why not a TV soap opera, ala The Sopranos, called "The Husseins"?
>We can glamorize the life of a leader of people and air it weekly ...
>Since it would be an HBO production most likely, we can be grittily
>realistic. In episode one we can show Hussein entertaining himself by
>having his bodyguards seize a newlywed away from her husband at gunpoint.
>Saddam becomes very angry when the woman actually dares to not welcome his
>sexual advances! And so after the rape he perpetrates, Hussein has his men
>wrap her up in a rug and drive vehicles over it until she has been crushed
>to death.
>Later on in the show we see Saddam yelling at his son Odai for killing a
>distinguished party guest(a general) who was not suitably excited about
>the festivities. Odai cowers in fear since he realizes he may have gone to
>far this time. Fortunately, dad chooses to forgive him. Where did the poor
>boy pick up these bad habits??
>Saddam and his goons need to go. I am ashamed the U.S. government ever
>supported such a murderous thug. But he is simply one in a fairly long list.
>Actually, Saddam Hussein already has a t.v. show! He is a very special
>guest on Southpark. ; ) An arab middle-eastern tyrant could not be more
>denigrated before a worldwide audience. lol!
>Just for all the Iraqi women Hussein has horribly violated and sometimes
>killed(it's a sickening habit of his), I hope we occupy his country, and
>turn him over to a mob of Iraqi's who have all been deeply hurt by him.
>Ripped to shreds by an angry mob of his countryman just might be a fitting
>end for him.

Perhaps we could have "The Osbournes meet the Husseins". Perhaps Ozzie
wouldn't be so quick to piss off his neighbour if it was Saddam. "Oi,
Hussayn, yuh bleeder! Keep yer fookin' camels off my lawn. And what's
that gas smell in aid of? Bastird."


"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and
crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures
to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid."
-Q, Star Trek:TNG episode 'Q Who'

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