brains in bahrain

From: spike66 (
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 22:43:32 MDT

It is already Tuesday morning in Bahrain.
The third game between Fritz and Kramnik
starts in less than 8 hours.

My previous description of Kramnik's treatment
of Fritz in game 2 was not accurate (squashed
him like a bug). I reviewed that game and
realized that altho Fritz7 made a horrifying
12th move, he fought like hell afterwards
and *almost* evened it back up. Even with
the opening boner against the *world champion*
carbon unit, the program came *damn* close to
drawing with the black pieces.

I now change my match prediction to a 5-3
win for carbon:

game 3: draw
game 4: Kramnik wins
game 5: draw
game 6: draw
game 7: draw
game 8: draw

spike 2145 PST, 7 October 2002

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