Re: why is there spam?

Date: Sun Oct 06 2002 - 16:17:46 MDT

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Christian Weisgerber wrote:

> But don't forget that any clever spammer will not waste their own
> connectivity and time delivering messages. Instead, they'll pipe them
> to open relays which will bear the brunt and thus the expense of

Actually, since most ISPs are no longer accepting email from
open relays spammers have started moving on to other tricks.

The most common trick is to use an open socks or http proxy
to connect to the mail server running on that same machine
and deliver the message that way. Too many ISPs aren't
blocking mail from open proxies yet...

> Drying out the open relays has proved to be difficult.

But blocking email from them is easy and usually without
negative sideeffects. If the administrator of the server
cares he'll secure the setup and the spam will stop.

All the "but blocking mail from open relays interferes
with my freedom of speech" people should pack up and go
home, too. I have no obligation to accept anybody's
email, so I am free to accept or refuse email from anybody
or anywhere for any reason, even without a reason.

My server, my rules.

Of course, the same goes for ISPs, except that they make
their clients angry if (1) too much spam gets through or
(2) too much legitimate email doesn't get through. This
business detail balances how agressive the blocking is,
but legally it's still only about property right. Their
server, their property, their rules.

kind regards,


Bravely reimplemented by the knights who say "NIH".
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