Re: Universality of Human Intelligence

From: Avatar Polymorph (
Date: Sat Oct 05 2002 - 01:35:38 MDT

Eugen Leitl wrote:

"Things *would* change if we all would have become immortal
overnight, but merely because the deep time perspective would gradually
change your outlook. People would start interacting more constructively, and
realize that the current level of development will eventually allow them to
ascend to loftier places by incremental patches and redesign of their

Yes it would. I think you're right. I think we become 'very long-lived' very
quickly in around a dozen years from now (genetic and proteomic therapies)
and then VERY long lived in about 20 years via intra-inter cellular nanotch
molecular supercomputing/cell change-repair machines, and THEN we can
upgrade to computronium add-ons and cell change and patch into other
networks ("pure" AI) and so on. ...... so I think we become "immortal"
effectively very quickly and then less bodylocked and finally self-directed
up to the neurological level, soon after which the Singularity takes off and
we can reach certain maximal potentials. But it may be that the world of
2020 and Cyberia is little different to the world of 2030 and the
Singularity except for understanding including of quantum physics plus 1
(the TOE).

"Life is neat, and all, but hanging around verbatim for a billion
years? Seem to get awfully stale after a few kYears, if everything else
stays as is."

You've got VR at indescribable levels, including neuro-to-neuro levels

You've got resetting and reformation if you're conservative, including of
memory systems. Remember Dr Who changing every few years.

Forget a few kYears. Think a few bYears. Drexler does.

Towards Ascension
Avatar Polymorph

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