Re: BIOLOGY: race is an invalid concept

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Wed Oct 02 2002 - 00:15:26 MDT

Spike writes

> Now that I think about that, why is it that
> blondes have that reputation that we have? Why is
> it that there are no dumb redhead jokes?

Okay, my first theory goes like this, and is
based on innumerable Untouchables, Tightrope,
and other gangster pictures from when I was
eleven. "Hey, toots, bring me a beer, will
ya?", says the hoodlum. And in waltzes, with
hips swinging, naturally, a blonde.

So perhaps hoods preferred dumb blondes, and
they got more TV and movie exposure? And of
course, we must never forget Marilyn.

Note that "dumb blond" jokes are about women,
exclusively, whereas jokes about Pollacks or
other people supposed to be dumb don't single
out the women.

> Is it because there were blondes on Iceland that
> inbred for centuries? Can someone explain why
> blondes in particular, get the dumb rap? Why
> do we corner the market for ditzy?

Now I do admit that once while watching some
senior masters play speed chess it occurred
to me that there *might* be an correlation
between male hormone and dark complexion. But
I am woefully ignorant here. Moreover, just to
be throwing out more ideas, isn't it true that
the more people age the less light-complexioned
they become? If so, then youth and ignorance
(dumbness) and blondness could all be correlated.


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