RE: BIOLOGY: race is an invalid concept

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 21:03:40 MDT

At 10:35 AM 10/1/02 -0400, Rafal wrote:

[Damien wrote:]
>> obviously, IQ test scores reflect not only raw
>> ability, training, etc, but before all else *the willingness of the
>> person being tested to do as well as possible*.

>### This critique has been leveled against IQ tests before. There is a
>number of studies refuting it. For example, there is a clear positive
>correlation between the g-loading of a test item and the amount of
>Black-White difference. If indeed Black test takers were less motivated,
>they would fail on the items with lower g-loading (like the digit span) to
>the same extent as on the highly g-loaded items (like the reverse digit

Interesting. How would you account for so few black males in the 140+
cohort compared with black females (which is what I was talking about)?
Note that this point has little to do with B/W differences, and is all
about Bm/Bf scores--although the *causes* of Bm resistance to testing might
have a great deal to do with B/W issues and history etc.

Damien Broderick

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