Re: offhanded comments

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 12:54:07 MDT

> I propose immediately dropping this thread.

The cat's pretty much out of the bag already, and I'm sure there
will be plenty of commentary on the episode elsewhere. I missed it
too, though I'm a big ER fan, because I was in a poker tournament
at the time; of course I lasted long enough to miss the show and
then busted out before reaching the money.

The teasers for the show made it sound like they were going to kill
someone off, but it appears they just mutilated Romano a bit.
Knowing that certainly won't affect my enjoyment of the episode
when I get around to catching the rerun, so I don't see /that/ as
any reason to kill this thread (although the fact that it is pretty
far off-topic might be better reason).

So, to direct this thread to something a little more topical, I do
think ER is at times a very Extropian show, and a positive influence
on culture, and Dr. Romano in particular strikes me as a great
example of the value of brutal honesty. If they keep him true to
character, I'm sure they'll have him in fighting form, looking for
every technology and therapy he can find to help him do what he wants
to do, shouting down idiots that try to tell him to accept his
limitations, and telling other disabled patients to stop whining.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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