Re: BIOLOGY: race is an invalid concept

From: Christopher Whipple (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 09:52:29 MDT

I see there are about a dozen replies to this thread after this post,
so this might have been covered already...

On Tuesday, October 1, 2002, at 02:01 AM, spike66 wrote:
> My question then is "what is the mechanism
> that could cause low IQ in these isolated communties?"
> I suggested one: those with brains or ambition leave
> town, and the breeding is left to the stay-at-homes.

My first instinct is to say that isolation *is* the mechanism in this
scenario. In larger cities* exposure to new ideas and experiences are
cheap and easy to come by - so even if one's IQ is low due to genetic
reasons it can perhaps be overcome. But there we find ourselves on the
slippery slope of a nature/nurture debate.


* - it occurred to me that this is probably true for smaller,
well-connected locales as well. Boulder, CO came to mind. Not quite
as big as Denver, but still well-connected and diverse enough to open
one's horizons.

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