RE: BIOLOGY: race is an invalid concept

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 01:50:33 MDT

Ron H. writes

> Chris,
> Perhaps you would like to read Dr. Thomas Sowell's
> latest column on this subject. It can be found at:

> Dr. Sowell has done independent research on this subject and
> is quite knowledgeable.

Well, Chris or Ron, someone has to break it to Dr. Sowell
that race is an invalid concept, and that all his many
books are for naught.

I have taken it upon myself, meanwhile, to break it to the
San Francisco board of supervisors that breeds of dogs likewise
do not exist. Ordinances are actually being enacted affecting
*some* so-called breeds in favor of the rest of the so-called
breeds! Can you believe it?

As Chris put it so well,

> Any studies done in the US that try to correlate
> anything with Race are nonsense

and I'm sure that the same is true with respect to all the
higher animals.

It boggles the mind how the uninformed masses have, all
these years, believed that races of people and breeds of
dogs actually exist. Think of the embarrassment at the
NAACP, the KKK, and all the civil rights marchers when
they discover the truth!


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