Re: Who's the greater threat?

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Mon Sep 30 2002 - 17:44:32 MDT

--- wrote:
> In a message dated 9/30/2002 4:52:21 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes: This has been claimed by many conspiracy
> theorists,
> asserting that the former Soviet republics (now known as 'the Stans')
> want to
> run a pipeline to the Indian Ocean through Afghanistan.
> Mike,
> If that is misinformation it seems to be coming from a number
> of different sources. Tell me more.

You can find people anywhere who want to build (pipelines, roads,
bridges, you name it) from anywhere to anywhere for any reason that
would seem, at first glance, to be a reasonably profitable idea, so
long as you keep looking at it from a distance, not doing your due
diligence, and keep talking dreamily of pie in the sky possibilities.

Just because one or more groups of such people exist in a particular
area doesn't mean they are a nefarious force of international
manipulators bending US foreign policy to their will. Those who buy
into such leaps of illogic to fit their own preconceptions define the
limits of their own gullibility (or self gullibility).

The fact is that the cost of digging a pipeline tunnel through a
mountain ridge in a very remote part of the world is significantly
greater, volume for volume, than such 'minor' engineering feats as the
English Channel Tunnel. The practicality is in the order of building
the World Trade Center at McMurdoe Base in Antarctica. While such a
pipeline might be of slightly greater utility than such a structure, I
think that it would be far easier to insure than an oil or gas pipeline
through one of the most historically violent areas of the world.

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