Re: how did religion evolve?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Sep 26 2002 - 02:08:39 MDT

Cory Przybyla wrote:
> --- spike66 <> wrote:
>>By this I mean: even
>>will surely acknowledge that religious memesets
>>have some origin.

This "believer" does not agree that speaking of "memesets"
captures enough of what is truly important in
religion/spirituality to make this path of inquiry fruitful.

> Really, eh? You say you were raised Southern
> Baptist...why don't you ask some of them if they'll
> acknowledge it (well, 'some' almost certainly will,
> but your statement seems to be implying that all will)
>>If one wishes to theorize that
>>ones own memeset came from supernatural revelation,
>>one would still need to explain the evolution of
>>the *other* differing religious memesets.

Why? The same fundamental post-rational or trans-rational
aspects of reality have been apprehended by many people in
different circumstances. They attempted to translate what they
experienced that was outside of normal life and consciousness in
terms that they could communicate within their specific culture
and common levels of consciousness, their own as well as those
of their listeners. That this result looks different when
filtered through different receivers of these experiences and
different cultures and times is hardly at all surprising.

Those who have no clue about the actual source, these
post-rational knowings and experiences and stages of
consciousness, almost always fight (at some level) over the
external translation or reject the entire realm as arbitrary and

> Or, they could just accuse every other religion as
> being full of sinners as is more often done. Along
> with various other tactics, some lesser, some worse...
> It seems you're referring more to theologians, and
> maybe some of the rare thought inspired believers;
> perhaps I missed something in the thread that referred
> this to believers on this list, in which case you'd be
> right and a dilligent effort to explain such things
> would probably occur.?..

Personally, I am referring to the mystical core, the
experiential reality behind religions. Those who have
experienced this know that it cannot be expressed in such
language and that any "explanation" at such a level explains
nothing at all.

I know that will look like nothing but useless mystification to
many. It can't be helped.

- samantha

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