evolution bless the universe

From: spike66 (spike66@attbi.com)
Date: Sun Sep 22 2002 - 17:44:51 MDT

Eugen Leitl wrote:

> We're a band of higher primates stuck on the surface of an
> atmosphere-hazed dirtball. I can associate with that. I certainly can't
> identify with which patch of the dirtball I currently happen to be on, and
> which monkey tribe happens to reside therein. Only by taking the big view we can make it a common dream, and then a
> reality. It's worth it.

Well said Gene. While travelling last week I heard
the song God Bless America. I suppose they
meant the U.S. thereof, but of course North
and South America are continents, so technically
the term America should cover both subdivisions,
so they are asking for a blessing on everything
from Point Barrow Alaska (is that right, Johnny?)
all the way to the beach in Tierra del Fuego, Chile.

But why stop there? If something is to bless all
that, why not cover all the dry land on this planet?
But why stop there? The oceans need a blessing I
suppose, and there are three good terrestrials
close in here, all inhabitable. By the current
usage of the endangered species act, humans
are the only species that could survive on two
of them, so humans must be transplanted and protected
on the other two terrestrials.

If you know the God Bless America song, consider the
following modification, which admittedly is poetically
somewhat more clumsy than the original:

Evolutionnnnnn bless the universe,
Earth, moon and Mars,
Stand beside them
And guide them
Thru the night with the light from the stars...

[Anyone is welcome to jump in here, extropians]

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